Getting active with your pooch can be a lot of fun, especially when using the right dog exercise products. The good news is that if you are a dog mom or dog dad, you’ve probably already got a willing fitness partner just waiting to get moving — and there are loads of cool products on the market for pets and people designed to motivate you.

Of course, before initiating any exercise program, check with your doctor and your veterinarian first to make sure you and your pooch don’t have any underlying conditions that could be aggravated by vigorous exercise.

In this article, we’ll share exercise tips with your dog, products to make things fun, and a few goodies for pet parents to engage in exercise, too!

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the author. However, Vetstreet may make a small affiliate commission if you click through and make a purchase.

How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need?

The amount of exercise dogs need depends on several factors:

  • Age
  • Physical shape/condition
  • Overall health
  • Breed
  • Veterinary recommendations

Puppies tend to play hard, sleep hard, and eat hard. As they grow up, young adult dogs, depending on their needs and energy level, enjoy playing, activities, and walks. Senior dogs are just big puppies at heart, and they too, should get physical and mental activity.

Like people, each dog is different. According to Small Door Vet, adult dogs should get at least 30 to 60 minutes of activity per day if they are less active. Sporting breeds and dogs with high energy levels are recommended 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day.

A quick trip around the block asking your dog to hurry along isn’t good for you or your dog. Your dog’s walks and outdoor time are their time to explore the world. Dogs take in the world through their nose, so let them enjoy. Here are a few ways to change up your dog’s walk.

dog exercise with owner

How to Exercise Your Dog

Before starting any new fitness program, check with your veterinarian. Exercise is different for everyone. The long walk with a Border Collie won’t cut it for a short, stout, less active Basset Hound. Some general guidelines to follow are:

  1. Time Management. If you work all day, leaving your dog alone may not be in their best interest. Consider a doggy daycare where they can run, play, and engage with friends. This is good for dogs from an emotional and physical standpoint.
  2. Hire a Dog Walker. If time is a concern and you aren’t interested in doggy daycare, a dog walker is a good investment.
  3. Combine Exercise Time. Take your long walk with your dog if they are able. Shorten your walk and try a new route if your dog is unable to go long distances.
  4. Local Pet Supply Stores. Some local pet supply stores offer fun rooms for rent or meetups where dogs can play together with supervision.
  5. Don’t Forget Mental Exercise. Challenge your pup with treat-dispensing toys and canine brain games.
  6. Swim. Some dogs love to swim but don’t have access to a pool in the backyard. Ask around or talk to your vet or fellow dog friends about dog-friendly pools in your area. Never force a dog to swim.
  7. Consider Canine Sports. From flyball to agility, obedience to barn hunt, there are many doggy sports that you can do for fun or competitively. Fun dog exercise products sometimes involve sports like this.
  8. Exercise Indoors. Many pet parents, present company included, love to play indoors. Games like tug of war, up and down stairs, blowing bubbles, indoor fetch, and tossing stuffed animals around, all count. Try different things until you find things that interest your dog.

Fun Dog Exercise Products

Here are some of Vetstreet’s favorite dog exercise products, with something for all breeds, mutts, shapes, ages, and sizes. Try different options to find the ones your dog loves most:

Durable Dog Toys: If your dog is more of a tough chewer or prefers durable toys, we have a list of goodies to consider: Tough Toys for Awesome Dogs

Fun Toys for Dogs: Exercise doesn’t have to mean breaking a sweat and running yourself ragged. You can choose from these fun toys for dogs and have a blast: Fun Toys for Happy Dogs

Interactive Dog Toys: Take the exercise game up a notch with interactive toys that enhance the human-animal bond: Interactive Toys for Dogs

Boredom Buster Enrichment Toys for Dogs: Keep dogs happy even when you are out of the home with these: Enrichment Toys for Dogs

Puppy Toys: Beware of those sharp puppy teeth. Puppies explore with their mouths, and as they begin teething, consider Puppy Chew Toys for Teething and Gnawing

Pet Parent Exercise Products

No matter what season you and your dog exercise in, having the right equipment is a good idea. This means the right running shoes for you and the best protective boots for dogs.

Winter exercise can be a challenge, not just because of the chilly air, but also the ice and snow on the ground. The right footwear can make getting outside a whole lot easier.

For Pet Parents: Rugged athletic shoes like the IceBugs DTS BUGrip TX Trail Running Shoe. Designed to grip the ground even when it’s covered with ice and snow, these kicks will stop the weather from slowing you down. Plus, IceBugs are all about keeping your feet toasty and dry, which means you’ll be willing to walk more miles on even the coldest days.

If you prefer a running shoe or something for spring, summer and fall consider our favorite Vetstreet team selections:

Under Armour Women’s Charged Assert Running Shoe

ASICS Men’s Gel Venture Running Shoes

For Your Dog: Here are Vetstreet’s Best Dog Boosts for Every Occasion selections. Though your dog’s paws might not freeze the way your feet do when they touch cold cement, they’re still vulnerable to lower temperatures, sharp objects and deicers, so shoes or boots can be a smart addition to your dog’s wardrobe

Wearable Tech to Track Your Progress

We’re well into the digital age and health and fitness companies are working to help both humans and pets get moving. So why not take advantage of tech advancements to assist you and your pooch on your fitness journey?

For You: A fitness watch such as a FitBit or Apple Watch can track your steps and activity.

For Your Dog: An activity tracker is ideal for dogs, too. It can show their location, steps, and these days, they offer so many different sets of data. Some show how well your dog does against other pups his age and breed! Here are Vetstreet’s Best Dog GPS Trackers to Try.

Light up collar on dog for dog exercise products

Visibility Boosters for Safety

Fewer daylight hours in winter months require a little more attention to visibility, for both you and your dog. Safety first!

For You: LED safety lights like this 9-pack for running can be useful. When it comes to safety lights, you want something that stays in place without getting in your way — and, of course, it needs to provide major visibility. The water-resistant shell and no-slip clip make them ideal for running, biking, and engaging in outdoor nighttime activities with your dog.

For Your Dog: An LED-lighted collar and leash like Dog-e-Glow. If the light-up booties mentioned above aren’t quite right for your pooch (or you want him to be even more visible), a lit collar and leash combo should do the trick. Just be sure to do your research and choose an option that’s best for your dog and your location. Do you need it to be waterproof? Do you want it to flash? One word of caution: Because this collar contains a battery, be sure your dog doesn’t chew it — remove it after walks or runs and store in a safe place.

Tools To Help You Eat More Mindfully

You know how important it is to savor an appropriately sized, balanced meal as opposed to speed eating, say, an enormous plate of nachos. While it’s up to you to make healthy choices when it comes to what you put on your plate or in your dog’s bowl, these products can help you keep portions in check and encourage your dog to eat more slowly.

For You: Portion control plates, like this affordable Health Beat Store plate, guide how much you put on your plate. The designs on these plates are stylish and modern, but they serve more of a purpose than just being pretty — they also function as portion indicators, so you can dish out a dinner with just the right amounts of protein, veggies, sauce and more.

For Your Dog: Slow feeders help dogs enjoy their food. Unlike a traditional bowl, a slow feeder like this gets your dog to work for his food, using both his mind (he has to solve the puzzle to get the food out) and his body to access his meal. Of course, this will not portion the food for him — that’s still on you — but it might keep him from wolfing it down like a professional eater. Keep an eye on the feeder, though, to make sure your dog isn’t chewing so hard that he’s damaging the plastic or possibly his teeth.

Here are Vetstreet’s favorite slow-feeder dog bowls.

New Activities to Challenge You

For You and Your Dog: Sign up for an agility class. This can be a fun way to add to your dog’s skill set and help him burn excess energy, but he’s not the only one who benefits: Agility training gives you an incentive to get off the couch, both during class and throughout the week as you go outside to practice. We’ve got some great tips to help you determine whether agility is the right fit for you and your pet. And if it’s not, perhaps one of these activities would suit you both better.

Whatever you decide to do, remember your dog depends on you for love, cuddles, and exercise, so be the best pet parent you can be. Happy exercising!