Black Cat Adoption: 7 Reasons You Should Bring One Home
by Laura Cross
Published on November 07, 2014

Black cats, like all cats, deserve to be adopted. Darker-colored felines are sometimes dismissed out of misled beliefs or fears. So, we’re revealing why black cats are worthy of your attention and your heart.
From their alluring looks to their sophisticated style, here are 7 reasons you should adopt a black cat.
You Are Above Superstitions and Folklore
We’ve all heard it: A black cat crossing your path is bad luck. But come on, do you really think this is such an ominous occurrence? If you own a black cat, guess what? He will constantly cross your path. In some cultures, this is actually good luck. In the end, putting your fate in the hands of the fur color of a cat seems a bit silly. If a black cat crosses your path while you’re holding an open umbrella indoors and standing under a ladder, you’re still going to be fine (but might look a little ridiculous).
They Look Fabulous With Everything
Nothing says, “I’m an incredibly fashionable cat lady (or man)” like a black cat. Think about it: Black cats go with everything. Can you pair a calico with your new plaid coat? No, it’s going to clash. When you take a selfie with a black cat, it doesn’t matter if you are wearing a green paisley tunic or red leather pants, you both look fabulous in the photo. And when you do wear black (which is often because you are so chic), you won’t have to worry about getting out the lint roller every five minutes.
Your Photography Skills Will Improve
One reason black cats might not get as much attention at the shelter is because they don’t always photograph easily. Well, we’re up to a photography challenge. Are you? Just look at photographer Fred Levy’s recent photo series, The Black Dogs Project. The pictures are stunning. And with a black cat, you can totally re-create Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen’s iconic poster: Le Chat Noir. You don’t really get the same effect with any other color of cat. So show off your artsy side, and let a black cat be your muse.

They Look Like Miniature Panthers
Forget spots and stripes — black cats also look alluring and exotic. In fact, the black-coated Bombay was bred to look like a miniature panther. So, if a wild and exotic appearance is what you’re looking for in a feline, think outside the box and consider a black cat.
Naming Black Cats Is Easy
We have a soft spot for old-school names like Midnight and Shadow. It doesn’t really make sense to call a gray tabby Onyx. But you can totally give that moniker to a black cat. Of course, you’re not limited to those types of names for black cats. We’re just saying that you have more naming options with a black cat.
Hide-and-Seek Is Way More Fun
Want to challenge yourself (and the kids) for 20 minutes? Turn off all the lights at night and play hide-and-seek with a black cat. It’s quite difficult, but fun. Even if your kitty’s hiding skills are not superb, it doesn’t matter. You’ll still have a great time trying to find her.
They Need a Loving Home
Some of our reasons for adopting a black cat might be a little playful, but we’re being serious here: Shelter cats, no matter the color of their fur, need forever families to love and cherish them. While it is a myth that black pets are less likely to be adopted than lighter-colored animals, it is true that there are plenty of black cats and dogs in need of homes. So, don’t overlook the gorgeous black cat at your local shelter — he could be the perfect cat for you.
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