Vetstreet’s Top 10 Small Dog Breeds For Families
Updated on March 06, 2025

Is anything more exciting (and perhaps a little daunting) than choosing the right family dog? You’re getting two extra pairs of feet pattering around the house and a best friend for your kids to grow up with. Some of the best small dog breeds for families aren’t always obvious.
By searching for a small dog, you’re probably thinking about your kids’ safety — finding a canine who’s not so big that he can knock over little humans. But you should consider the dog’s safety too; very small breeds (like many in the Toy group) can be easily injured by children who accidentally play a little too rough. With any dog, always supervise his interactions with children and make sure your kids understand how to treat him respectfully. That means no ear-pulling, bopping on the head or invading his eating space.
One important note: Each dog is an individual and his temperament is a mix of genetics, training and environment. Just because a breed finds a place on this list, that doesn’t mean that every dog of that breed will be a great fit for your family.
Vetstreet’s Best Small Dog Breeds for Families
Whether you need a gentle companion for kids, an energetic playmate, or a low-maintenance lap dog, choosing the right breed is key. Vetstreet has compiled a list of the Top 10 Small Dog Breeds for Families, highlighting dogs that are affectionate, adaptable, and great with children.
Mutts are always waiting for adoption, too. Different dog breeds appeal to different people. Below you will discover which smaller breeds are ideal for families and why. Have fun!
Boston Terrier
Fans of the Boston Terrier will tell you that his dapper, smiling exterior is a pretty accurate window into this breed’s enthusiastic, friendly interior. Well-socialized Bostons tend to be a friend to all, including children, and revel in being the center of attention.

While her Maltese cousins may be too small for most child’s play, the Havanese is a bit larger and may be a better choice for families with kids. These dogs usually weigh between 7 and 13 pounds and are known for their lively, clown-like personality and generally easy temperament. The Havanese is a toy dog but they packs a lot of fun into that little body.

Cocker Spaniel
Many pet lovers think of the Labrador Retriever as the modern “perfect family dog,” but you may be surprised to learn that the Cocker Spaniel is the quintessential family dog of yesteryear. Up until 1990 (when the Lab took the No. 1 spot), this typically merry, sensitive and active canine was the most popular breed registered by the American Kennel Club. Cockers are more medium-sized, but some are little dogs.
Fun fact: There are two types of Cocker Spaniels: English and American.

Icelandic Sheepdog
Looking for a rarer breed that you’re not likely to see many of at the dog park? Consider the Icelandic Sheepdog. This hardy Nordic breed — which wears the pricked ears and curled tail we love in Spitz dogs — usually thrives on human companionship and is generally friendly and playful with children.

Lhasa Apso
Historically an alarm dog for Buddhist monks in her homeland of Tibet, the Lhasa Apso tends to be suspicious of strangers but affectionate with family members who have earned her trust, including children. Older kids who can learn to treat the Lhasa with respect will be rewarded with a wonderful (and beautiful) companion.

Of course, we could never make this list and not include this family favorite! In general, a Beagle will be happy to make your kids part of his “pack” for playing, howling and enjoying long, sniff-filled walks. Keep in mind, though, that everyone in the family needs to be vigilant about not leaving food around — the Beagle is a professional snack thief! The Beagle is a shedding breed.

Don’t let the Schipperke’s small stature fool you — he’s known to be a sturdy, energetic, intelligent breed who usually has no qualms about being in charge. Active families will have a great time putting his brains and athleticism to work with activities like agility, flyball, obedience and rally.

What’s not to love about a Pug? Today, they still fulfill the role for which Chinese nobility kept them: simply being companions. Among the largest of the Toy breeds, they’re typically sturdy enough for playing with children, as long as the interaction doesn’t get out of hand and become too rough. If you’ve ever been lucky enough to enjoy the company of this breed, you’ll understand why the Pug charm has won over many an adoring family.

Norfolk Terrier
The typically outgoing, happy-go-lucky Norfolk Terrier is one of those canines who has no idea how small she is. The Norfolk tends to be more easygoing and barks less than many other terriers, but she still retains that fiery personality that terrier people love. These dogs usually have a strong watchdog instinct, so you’ll do best when everyone in the family pitches in to help with training.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Nothing says “abundant energy” quite like a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. These herding dogs typically live to be part of the family and love spending time with their humans — whether that’s learning tricks, going on a hike or working as a therapy dog. Thanks to his bright demeanor and sunny smile, the versatile Corgi has long been a family favorite.

Taking Care of a Small Dog Breed
Despite their size, small dog breeds still need care, love, attention, veterinary checkups, playtime, and lots and lots of kindness. In addition, if a small dog is about to join your family, let Vetstreet help with your shopping list and tips:
8 Must Try Air-Dried Dog Food Selections
Top Choices of Dog Food for Dogs Who Shed