Caroline Golon

Caroline Golon

Caroline Golon’s popular cat humor blog,, exists to make cat parents chuckle and to raise money and awareness for rescues across the U.S. Since 2009, Caroline has raised more than $60,000 through her blog, Facebook and Twitter. Caroline’s work has been featured in USA Today,, The New York Times, The Associated Press, Animal Wellness, Cat Fancy, Woman’s World, and more.

Caroline launched a companion site,, because litter box problems are one of the biggest reasons cats are relinquished to shelters. The site is dedicated to helping cat parents solve litter box issues and keep more cats in happy homes.

A speaker and consultant on social media and marketing for the pet industry, Caroline also co-founded, a community, resource and annual conference for pet bloggers.

Caroline lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband and two young daughters. The Golons are dedicated staff members to Romeo and Pugsley, both rescued Persian cats who, obviously, run the household.